Rallies & protests: SO, if we don't speak up, we don't exist. The guys on the Right have kicked our butts when it comes to framing the conversation. They are a dark, self-possessed, Machiavellian race blinded by dogma. It's easy to bluster over coffee and booze. People are hurting. People are dying. We have an obligation to oppose the forces that dont' give a a flying F#$%^ as long as they get their piece. If we don't Occupy the space, they will. Get out there.
The video presentations of these events are on the top half of this page and the photo galaries can be found on the bottom.




Confederate Memorial Day, 2011, Columbia, SC


Rally for a Moral Budget


Photo galleries:

Go to the Trayvon gallery

The Trayvon Martin Rally in Columbia, S.C.


S.C. Prayer Vigil Opposing Racial Profiling Legislation